Green Pool Water: Causes, Solutions and Algae Prevention

By kevin Vallee
2 min read

 l'eau de votre piscine devient verte

Green Pool Water: What to Do?

Have you noticed that your pool water is turning green? Don’t panic, this is a common problem that many owners encounter. Algae, even with constant efforts to avoid it, can sometimes find its way into your pool. This could be due to irregular pool maintenance or a clogged filter that escapes your attention. In any case, it is essential to react quickly to prevent the situation from getting worse.

Why does water turn green?

Green water is usually caused by the presence of algae, which develop when conditions are no longer optimal for water maintenance. This can include a chemical imbalance, lack of disinfection, or ineffective filtration.

How to solve the problem?

  1. Clean your filter (backwash): Check and clean your pool filter. A clogged filter cannot effectively retain debris, allowing algae to proliferate.

  2. Test and adjust chemical levels: Use a test kit to check chlorine, pH, and alkalinity levels. Adjust them to achieve optimal balance.

  3. Shock chlorination: Perform shock chlorination by adding a large amount of chlorine (refer to the recommendation on the packaging of your shock treatment) to kill algae and clarify the water.

  4. Brush/vacuum the walls and bottom: Brush and vacuum the surfaces of the pool to loosen algae and allow the chlorine to work better.

  5. Continuous filtration: Let the filtration system run continuously until the water is clear again.

  6. Re-clean your filter (backwash) after 48 hours: Check and clean your pool filter. A clogged filter cannot effectively trap debris, allowing algae to proliferate.

Long term prevention

To prevent your pool water from turning green again, be sure to maintain regular maintenance, monitor chemical levels, and clean the filter frequently. A well-maintained pool is the key to preventing algae problems in the future.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your pool water clear and healthy, and say goodbye to green algae!